DB Reader – Database Management (Database Abstractions)

DB Reader is an online database/table viewer you can use to quickly show your data for you or your client with only 2 lines of code. You can search and export database data to excel, pdf, print, csv.

Include of class libary (clean code, lightweight)

The class has the following functions:

  • Lightweight class libary (clean, easy to understand code)
  • Return data in 2 lines of code
  • Easy Integration
  • Return Array & HTML
  • Export (PDF, Excel & CSV)
  • Print from browser
  • Ajax Search
  • Show databases on host (access required)
  • Show tables on database
  • Show table records
  • Reset table records (wipe/auto increment 0)
  • Pagination
  • No refresh needed

Full demo
Multi-Table records demo
Only HTML Table demo
Database & Table demo

Easy explanation

Easy install

$obj = new DBReader('db_username', 'db_pass', 'host');

Class functions:

$obj->showDatabases() // show the databases on the host 
$obj->showTables('database') // shows the tables in the given database 
$obj->showData('database','table') // returns the columns & records in the given table
$obj->resetTable('database','table') // wipes the table & reset the auto increment.
$obj->showHtmlTable('database','table') // returns columns & records as HTML table

Download DB Reader – Database Management (Database Abstractions)

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