Magento Gift Card Extension (Magento Extensions)

Gift Cards Extension

The Magento Gift Card Extension is a great way for you customers to buy gift cards to present to their friends and family. Friends and Family who receive these cards can use them to pay for the products they purchase at your store.

The Gift Cards Magento Extension is one way to give your customers a personalized experience at your online store. Customers can create gift cards of certain value at your store and give them to their friends and family. They can later on use these Gift Cards to pay for the purchases they made at your store.

Traditionally, gifting your loved one’s something meant endless wandering about stores and malls to find something perfect. The online gifts trend is rapidly catching on. The Gift Cards Extension allows users to create cards in three forms – either Physical, Virtual or a Combination of the two. A customer ordering a virtual gift card gets a code in their email that can be used at the time of payment for purchased products. A Physical Gift Card can be exported for printing. Whenever a gift card is created, the unique code that is generated can only be redeemed by one customer.

Store Admins must create a Gift Card Code Pool which can be used by customers. These codes are unique with a specific format. One code is permanently assigned to a gift card as soon as the card is created.
The Gift card Extension is extremely lightweight fulfills the task with minimum obstruction.

It is in line with the Magento Standard Workflow.


For Customers:
• Gift cards of different values can be created either from a dropdown or by entering a preferred amount from a range.
• Gift cards that are purchased can be used by customers to make payments or can be gifted to others.
• Gift Cards can be scheduled for a certain date.
• Gift codes can be redeemed to a credit balance and can be used as a payment method during checkout.
• Tracking of gift codes is made easy.
• Easy to check and manage gift codes quickly.
• After purchase, Magento automatically adds the gift code to a customer’s card list.
• Gift cards can also be used as a discount during checkout.
• Gift cards can be sent either via email or via Post.

For Admins:

• Admins can create gift cards for selling products.
• Admins can also generate gift codes for customers or they can import gift codes that can be used offline.
• The gift Codes are either a specific pattern or could be random.
• The quantity for the gift cards and the unique code can be configured by admins.
• Auto email is generated and sent to card recipients and to customers.
• Admins can also configure the content that will be displayed on the gift cards product page.
• Admisn can set values for the gift card products – they can show either a dropdown, a fixed amount or a price range for the customers to select from.
• The status for the vouchers is automatically updated so that admins can easily keep track.
• Requires no manual configuration.
• Easy installation.
• Meets Magento programming guidelines.
• 100% open source. Show according to catalog or shipping price rule.

Download Magento Gift Card Extension (Magento Extensions)

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