Php Script Fixed

My company has a php slidein membership which allows members to paste a javascript code into the head tags on their website and a slidein ad will appear from the bottom.

There is a problem however with a conflict when implementing it onto a WordPress blog whereby some WordPress themes’ CSS will affect the look of the slidein.

Example screenshots have been attached. USISlide2.gif shows what slidein SHOULD look like yet on out test WP blog it looks like USISlide1.gif
(The text is all out and not showing in the right place)

We need to PHP script / javascript modified so that it works regardless of WP theme CSS etc. It should show exactly as it would on a standard html page. We’re not interested in modifying any WP theme because we want a slidein that will work properly REGARDLESS of theme chosen.

This should be a relatively easy task for someone experienced in this area and may lead to additional work if the programmer prices themselves reasonably and provides a 100% working fix.

Any questions… please PM us before bidding.

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