Sponsor: Air-Control

My sincere thanks to Air-Control for sponsoring my writing this week.

Air-Control delivers the power to instantly update apps without submitting changes to an app store. App developers and app owners can now update the look and content of an app through a web interface.


Air-Control has launched on Kickstarter to raise £20,000 for the further development, research and testing of the product in BETA.

App owners can use the Air-Control content management tool anytime in the future to modify and publish changes to the app, provided the relevant line of code is incorporated into the app before being submitted to the App Store.

Through Air-Control’s innovative mirror screen technology, live updates can be made to the app without submitting to an App Store. Air-Control accelerates the app development phase as it simplifies prototyping, testing and sign off.

Find out more at air-control.com!

This is a sponsored post via Syndicate Ads.

If you’re interested in sponsoring my writing for a week, and reaching my audience of tech-savvy, curious, creative thinkers, you can find more information here.

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