Need 14 Unique Articles (various Niches)


I am in need of original, high quality articles written in English. 14 unique articles for 14 target keyword phrases (various niches: school uniforms,TI calculators,scrub unifroms,burning video games,batik cloth, Halloween costumes,getting husband back, Muay Thai etc.) I am looking to build a working relationship with a quality writer with whom I can work on this project as well as future ones. I will not necessarily hire the coder with the lowest bid but I will hire the writer who can deliver high quality content at a reasonable price.

I am looking for quality unique content that is written from scratch by you, and these articles will be copy-scaped

All articles:
1) Must be between 500 to 600 words in length.
2) Must be on topic (I will provide a list of target keyword phrases)
3) Use targeted keyword phrase just 2-3 times in content
4) First sentence of article must include the exact target keywords and one or two other “commercial” keywords such as:
– cheap
– discount
– sale
– price
– buy
– order
– purchase
– value
– store
– save
– review
– coupon
– deal
– savings
– discounted
– cheaper
– special
– rebate
– save on
– buying
– purchasing
– where
– information

4) Articles must be sent in text file format. One article per file. Files are to be labeled as per target keyword phrase.

This method will help us both manage projects containing large number of articles

If you’re interested in this project, feel free to place bid and PM to me with your previous work. You have to begin with word “uniforms” to make me sure that you already read all project describtion.

Again, I will hire the person I feel can complete this job in a timely manner while still creating quality articles within a reasonable budget. I look forward to your bid.

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