Auto Remote Form Submission

I need a programmer to find a method of having users submit a form on (an external website) by simply following a link to my own website – i.e. the form is submitted automatically without the users having to do anything – using their IP address (NOT the server’s). The form on the external website sends POST data containing an ID and possibly other information.

This solution could include, for example, submitting the data in a GET request instead via use of a frame. It must be noted however, that this is NOT the required method and it will probably not even work (already tested on a few websites). It is your task to find a solution to the problem of automatically submitting form data using the user’s IP address.

Several (similar) websites will be provided for you to test. You must find a solution on at least one of these to receive any form of payment. Some websites are done in PHP while others in ASP. Most, if not all, of these websites restrict access to IP addresses originating from the USA only. However, proxies from the USA have been found to work.

Note that since the form data must be sent using the user’s IP address and NOT the server’s, a PHP form bot will obviously not work. Furthermore, this solution must be implemented on a website, not as a desktop program. Also note that Java applets will not work, since the user would first have to give the applet security access by accepting a dialog (the user must not be required to do anything after following the link).

If a solution is found, the programmer may then create the necessary script to implement a system where a user follows a link to a webpage. Upon visiting this webpage, the system must automatically retrieve specific data from a database and automatically submits it to the external host using the user’s IP address. However, implementing this system is not necessary and simply finding a solution is sufficient. Please specify whether or not the solution’s implementation is included in your bid. If you do not wish to or cannot implement the system, then you must provide proof of your solution.

PLEASE NOTE: Absolutely NO form of payment, including escrow, will be given unless you are able to find a solution and it has been tested by me. You must understand that a solution is not even guaranteed to exist.

By bidding you agree that payment will only be given for a working solution and not how much time you spent looking for one.

Lastly, it is preferred if you can communicate using AIM, MSN, or Yahoo instant messenger. I will be putting you in touch with another programmer who may be able to explain this further to you.

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