Simple Software Needed


I need someone to create a simple piece of software for me.

The software will be an article rewriter.

The way I want it to work is that a user you would be able to start a new project which would give you a simple input box to paste your article into.

Upon pressing a button, the program would break the article into lines based on punctuation.

Paragraphs would be detected based on linebreak patterns and displayed as checkboxes between the lines.

Then a new screen would be generated that displayed each individual sentence and then offered an empty field below each sentence in which a person could write a new sentence.

Then when the user is done rewriting each sentence they will hit a button that will combine all of the new sentences (with the same paragraph breaks) into a new article.

The article will then need to be displayed in a new field and their should be a “copy article to clipboard” button.

You can see an example of someone else who has created an application that does this here: – you may need to subscribe to get access but it’s totally free.

I want my software to basically do the exact same thing without violating any copyright laws. The software could be an application I run on my site or a downloadable stand alone item. Whichever is cheaper and easier. I would need it to run on PC as well as Mac. If it needs to be two separate pieces of software for mac and pc, that’s okay.

My budget is limited for this project but this should be a simple project. I am hoping to have this done as soon as possible.

Please be sure to check out the example at – this is exactly what I need it to do. It’s free.

I need to own the rights and no copyright laws can be violated.

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