Maintaining a continuous integration server for iOS can be a considerable expense of time and hardware.
Recently I received a submission about an interesting hosted continuous integration service called Greenhouse CI that allows you to very easily set up a continuous integration service for your iOS projects with a number of nice features.
has just come out of beta and has a number of nice features.
Some the features of Greenhouse CI include:
- Easy setup and auto detection of project settings
- AUtomated testing on virtual devices
- Builds hosted in a cloud based environment
- Easy downloading of built applications with Testflight and HockeyApp integration
- Support for the Xcode build system, Xctool and Cocoapods
- Special team features
- A free account for up to 2 apps
You can read more and sign up for GreenhouseCI on the home page.
An interesting new service for quickly and easily adding CI to the development process.
Thanks to Tarmo for the submission.
- Tutorial: Using The Travis-CI Continuous Integration Service For iOS Objective-C Development
- App Scaffolding Kit That Automatically Allows You To Sync Your Core Data Apps Online
- Tool: SOAP Based Web Services Made Easy On The iOS Platform
- Tool: Xcodebuild Replacement Providing Improved Testing And Reporting Functionality
- Tutorial: Creating A Web-Based With MongoDB Node.js And Express.js And An iOS App That Uses It
Original article: Easy To Set Up Cloud Based Continuous Integration Service For iOS Projects
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