WordPress Multilanguage Custom Posts Builder PRO (WordPress)

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Build Multilanguage WordPress Websites Very Easy

WordPress Multilanguage Custom Posts Builder PRO is a wordpress plugin which helps you to build very easy and fast multilanguage websites.This plugin helps you to create multilanguage custom posts and 13 custom fields types ( text, textarea, select, radio, checkbox, date, password, switch , link, map, video, colorpicker, file).You can create a photo gallery or slider for each post created in custom post.Also if you want to monetize your posts all you have to do is to activate our Pay Per View system.

Live Demo – See Here How it works !

Step 1 : Click here
Step 2 : Read the instructions and validate login.
Step 3 : Login with user: demo and password: demo1234
Step 4 : ENJOY IT !

Other Purposes

  • Create multilanguage Portofolio for your website
  • Create multilanguage Testimonials for your website
  • Create multilanguage Blog for your website
  • And many others…


  • You can create live ( without reloading page ) multilanguage custom posts and edit settings for:
    • General Settings:
      • You can change the Custom Post Name
      • You can change the Custom Post Logo
      • You can change the text for Add new post
      • You can change the text for Show all posts
      • You can limit post visibility( For example if you want only members to view a post you have to select at Post Visibility users otherwise you must select all
    • Taxonomies: You can Enable/Disable Categories and Tags
    • Supports: You can Enable/Disable Author, Thumbnail, Excerpt, Trackbacks, Comments and Revisions
  • Pay per View System
    • If you want to pay authors for every visitor from their articles you have to activate our Pay per View System
    • You can set the price & currency for every custom post
    • Authors can see the money earned and numbers of visitors for every post.
  • Gallery/Slider
    • You can create a gallery or slider for each post (only if you want)
    • Advanced Settings for gallery/slider:
      • You can change the Background color, Text color, Thumbnail width, Thumbnail height, Thumbnail position, Gallery width, Gallery height, Effect , Duration and many more
    • Over 50 display effects
  • Multilanguage Custom Fields
    • You can create 13 multilanguage custom fields type:
      • text input box
      • textarea box
      • dropdown select box
      • radio buttons
      • checkbox
      • date box
      • slider
      • colorpicker box
      • switch on/off button
      • google map box – autogenerated from location that you want
      • password box (md5)
      • file upload box
      • video – autogenerated from video link ( youtube.com,vimeo.com, dailymotion.com, metacafe.com )
  • Shortcodes for:
    • Drop Down Language Switcher
    • Gallery / Slider
    • Field Name
    • Field Value
  • Translation:
    • You can translate our plugin in your language very easy ( just translate files from languages folder )
  • Very Easy to Use:
    • This plugin is based on EDFP library \\\\\ and this make almost everything very easy to edit / add / change.

What’s Included

  • WordPress Multilanguage Custom Posts Builder PRO – wordpress plugin
  • WDH Models – WordPress Demo Theme for the WordPress Multilanguage Custom Posts Builder PRO ( only single page )
  • Documentation

Online FREE Support

If you have any problem or you don’t know how to do something please just go to: http://support.wdh.im and tell us your problem.


1.0 (2014-06-27)

        * Initial release.

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Download WordPress Multilanguage Custom Posts Builder PRO (WordPress)

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