Configurable User-editable Google Map For Website

Excellent working knowledge of Google Maps API is required.

These are just the fundamentals:

1. Website is (Smarty, PHP) online community for bird-watchers that has member login.
2. Map must appear on an internal page, no iFrames, etc.
3. User can create a bird watching hotspot by setting a map point; they can add notes, and photos.
4. Plan on 4 hotspot types, for example Birds, Songbirds, Eagles, etc. with 4 unique icons.
5. Must not require Google login to edit map, the site’s member login must suffice.
6. Create a ‘feed’ to the home page what says something like: NEW HOTPOT – A new Eagle hotspot has been added in Bend, Oregon (showing 5 recent new hotspots)

IMPORTANT: The successful bidder’s experience with the Google Maps API will enable him/her to make suggestions on features and usability. The successful bidder will be able to provide a specific example demonstrating experience with Google Maps.

Things that are helpful for me in selection of bidders;

a) Knowing what country you are in, your GMT, and what hours your normally work
b) Knowing what days you normally work

Thanks very much. Put HAGAJI in your reply so I can know you have read and understand this project.

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