Easy 6 Mockup Page Designs

I have a project that is just design work. It should not take more then 1-2 hours to do. Basically it’s just a proposal, but I don’t have the time to make fake example page for it. I’ll pay $20 for this work.

So what it is a review system where a customer gets an email and they rate a dentist on their experience. They do that in the email.

That will then be sent to a page where the dentist will accept or review the review
Then that get’s posted on the dentist personal page.

Also it will be posted on a directory liake page. The reason doesn’t really matter. And also I’d like another page designed that will show how the directory page should be sorted.

Okay that’s the brief of it and again you are not doing anything real fancy, I just dont’ have time to make some simple page examples for this.

What you will do is:

1. design an email template just as psd. Don’t’ spend more then 20 minutes on it.
It will say on it “Thank you for your recently visiting our office. With a continued effort to improve quality and customer satisfaction we ask that you you give a review of your visit.”

It will then have 5 stars (all this is just like google local reviews) and a description for them to write out their review. Again this is just a psd, so just put 5 white stars that will work

2 . Make a simple page that has a login box. Remember this is just for a proposal, so it doesn’t have to be really fancy.

3. Make a page that will be the page where the dentist accept or rejects reviews. A crude drawing of that is attached.

4. Add a fake example of reviews added to a dentist page. The box and example page are attached. Just put in fake reviews with the stars and make it have a fake scroll down as if you can scroll down the review.

5. Make a page that list all dentist, their address, city, stat and all reviews for them.

6 Make a page that would sort through this page. So it will be a page that say sort by state, city, name, highest reviews,etc.

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