Backlink Building Pr 3+ 250

Looking for experienced, effective backlink builder needed!
250 one way DOFOLLOW pr 3+ links needed. (pref spread out over 30 day period)

This job will be easy for someone that specializes in link building

-One way PERMANENT back-links only. No link exchanges, reciprocal links, or paid link rentals.
-link must come from unique class C IP address
-No links from forum, directory, FFA, social bookmarking, article sites, blog’s comment, link partner
-The page where link is located must be at least PR 3 + (pref a mix of pr3-9)
-There should be no more than about 30 outbound links on the page where you add the link.
-Must be static links only. No redirects, JavaScript links, hidden links or links on any site that seems to have incurred a Google penalty.
-No cloaking, black hat or grey hat seo techniques, white hat only.
-links must be from English-language websites only.
-links must contain the given anchor text

A list of possible link/anchor text will be given to winner.

Winner is expected to provide a list URLs to the inbound links.

Please specify the amount of links with your bid. (I am looking for 250 over a 30 day period)

I will ONLY release payment when Google or yahoo! site explorer indexes and shows the backward links to my site.

Important: Please do not bid if you are proposing article submissions

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