Rss For News Papers On My Wamp Server .. Cached Result

i need very strong script to add feeds from newspaper to my website that i hoste on my local server by wamp server.
i will pay for good coomiricial script that have all future in market and support arabic language.

i want the result for rss to be cached and save in my server.. and want to save the thread as it is from the news paper site. with picture flash links ect

this is rss for news paper.. its have to be cache on my server

and when u click the first thread its have to bring it from my server too so its will be cached.. so this page
will be saved as its on my server.. and vistor will visite the cache page from it

the cache folder for rss and original thread will be for 1 week then its write over the old one.

the script will check for new rss every 24 hour in 7 am.. if any rss is down its will stell check untell its come online.

html template can be change to my own disign

i will pay for ready commercial strong rss that have many future

and will pay for the programmer who chose it to me and install it

the bid is for installition only not for script .. i will pay the script


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