Social Networking Website For Me

Back-end Coding needing for simple “facebook” like social network site. I’m a Web Designer looking for a reliable english-speaking Web programmer , I will take care of all css and web-graphics, need programmer to set-up server for video, mysql and php coding.

Major Requirements

• User Generated “CMS”
• Sign-Up & Log-in
• User profiles (www.sitename/username)
• Upload and Display Video Capability
• Video Upload Section (in formats of .swf, .flv, & .mp4)
• User –to- User Message System
• Browse All Users
• Search Box – Search-able Categories (Based on 3 Variables)…i.e. (position, location and name)
• Registration and Secured approval through email
• Instant Editable Profile “like-facebook” (Ajax)
• Super Admin Back-end (displaying current users, new users, )
• Monthly Account Access based on Monthly Site Subscription

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