Yoututbe PlayList App (Full Applications)

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This is Android Application for Youtube PlayList App. this apps support for one Youtube PlayList and multiple PlayList also.PlayList added through
admin panel,so update PlayList without update apk in playstore. The application is specially optimized to
be extremely easy to configure and detailed documentation is can create your own youtube playlist application.


Demo Admin Url:


List Of PlayList:

Android Side

  1. All Device Combability(Responsive Design)
  2. Display Single and Multi Playlist
  3. PlayList Selection Mode
  4. Play/Pause Video
  5. Check Network Availability
  6. Admob Integrated (with google play service lib)
  7. Start App Integrated
  8. Admob and Startapp both Standalone Package(i.e 2 package,one is for admob and other is startapp)
  9. Remote Json
  10. Easy Admin panel

Admin Side

  1. Simple and Attractive Admin Panel
  2. Display Total Number of PlayList
  3. Easily Add PlayList Name and PlayList Id
  4. Edit and Delete PlayList PlayList Id
  5. Json Service

What You Get:

  1. Full Android Source Code
  2. Full Php Code of Server Side
  3. Full Document with Screen Shot


Download Yoututbe PlayList App (Full Applications)

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