What I need or require:
I am looking for someone to develop a photo upload site that allows users to create an account, upload 2 photos at a time and have other users (users that have already created accounts) vote on one of the 2 photos. The voting results will show real time results under the pictures.
Members and the public will also be able to browse through current and old sets of pictures (including voting results).
Each member will have a profile page where other users can leave comments and the owner of that page will be allowed to delete comments and delete their own pictures.
Members will be able to add other member to a list of “favorites” and this list of favorites will appear in a different page.
There will also be an award component to it, for every 20 times a member votes they receive an “award” which I can give you details about but it is a graphic image. Users will also be able to click a button that says they like a person on a profile (think of Poke on facebook).
Here is what will be on the menu:
Home: People can sign up, access to the main menu, login page
Add pictures: Can only be accessed when people have created an account and are logged in to the site. Members have the option of uploading 2 pictures and a couple of forms describing what the pictures are
Browse: Browse current voting polls, pictures and logged in members can vote. The public can view these pages but to vote they have to create an account (a pop up window)
My Profile: User can delete old pictures and view all of their pictures, there will be 2-3 free form fields where users can answer questions.
Favorites: List and pictures of their favorite users and favorite pictures
Featured: Will have most voted on pictures
FAQ: Simple page that I want to have admin rights to ad text to
The Picture page: Each set of pictures will have a unique URL, here users can leave comments in a comment section and vote. Users that left a comment have the option of deleting a comment. The person that originally uploaded the picture will be able to delete the comments too. Each unique URL for this picture page will be dynamic and seo optimized based on the title the user writes. For example: www.site.com/pictureattheparksunny.html
There will also be an About Us, Privacy Policy, Terms of Service and Support link at the bottom of the page. You should use a CMS system so that I can manage this.
Other features:
-Facebook Connect (users can create accounts by logging on to their facebooks during the registration page)
-Facebook Share buttons on various pages.
-Buttons for Follow us on Twitter and Follow us on Facebook in the front page.
What I already have versus what the provider will deliver:
I will have wireframes of all the pages. I will give you the site design in PSD file and I will ask you to place that design.
You will deliver the Source files.
Other context/requirements that providers will need to know:
I want a CMS system where I (the admin) can easily delete comments, users, pictures. I will also like to edit the content of the site
Specific expertise/background that I am seeking:
I am looking for an experienced and reliable programmer with outstanding communication skills who will keep me updated on progress (without my nagging to do so), help solve any issues related to the development of the site and deliver a robust, stable product in a timely manner. After the site is launched, the programmer should also be available for debugging and occasional assistance (at pay, unless the error is a programmer error).