Php Quote System

Ok here goes. First, please do not bid unless you plan finishing the work for the price you stated in the beginning. No hidden costs later. Second, ask questions before you bid so you can price your work accordingly.

Step 1:
Admin has 5 static pages that he wishes to make CMS – not hard but it is part of the project requirements. Also, create a contact form w/ captcha that saves in the admin as well as sends out an email to admin and a thank you to the customer who filled it out.

Step 2:
In admin, Admin creates the company details that sets up the customer on front end with a username and password. I will provide the fields necessary when I get them from the customer – basic fields – name, address, phone, fax, location – city, state, zip code, tax ID number, and I will provide more if he adds more.

Step 3:
The quoting process:
Customer clicks on Customer Login: He/She sees Username and Password. See above for this explanation. Once logged in, they see Request a Quote –
Job Name:
Job Address 1:
Job Address 2:
Job City:
Job State:
Job Zip: – this is important – we will discuss it now – Admin said anything above 30 miles of zip code 30721 will have a shipping price – my idea is for me to provide you with zipcodes 30 inside this perimiter and your code will know to exclude those from this list – maybe create a table that Admin can put zip codes in and set that rate for that zip code – for example: Admin puts in 30309 which is 60 miles from here – customer tyoes in 30309 – $50 – that price is added to the quote as a shipping expense. I think that would be the easiest way of handling it.
Job Supervisor:
Job Supervisor Phone:
and View an existing quote – they can edit the quote here.
Admin will need the ability to add a Category, Sub-Category (not required but implemented just in case) – both of which would require a price and each require a sort function as well.
for example: if the customer chooses Doors (Category) – $50 and then has 2 options for Subcategories – Metal – $20 and Wood – $10 but he chooses Wood – the price gets changed from $50 – doors to $60 – doors + wood.

As far as the products that make up the quote – he will need the ability to add products via field – name of product – sort – price. The last section of this procedure is the ability to add material categories. Such as: Hand, Color, Subjambs, Hardware, and keying – these are not fixed, just for example. Each of these will also have a sort and name on them – no price on these.

Each of the material categories will have a supplies list that needs to be dynamic as well – for example: Color – Choose One – Bronze – $5 White – $10 – each of these supplies list will have an option for select one – bullet and select more than one – check box for front end – the supplies list – will have – sort, name, and price on it.

On the front end, this will need to be AJAX so no refresh of the page will be required.

I need a quantity as well for complete quote. When quote is finished, they sumbmit and it creates a line item – like a shopping cart and adds it up like a shopping cart – they can reedit the line items from here as well. When customer is finished he clicks on complete quote and that brings up a print option – this quote is translated to a pdf and is written under the customer profile as well as written in the control panel. There is also an email that the admin gets when this quote is finished and the customer will get a thank you email. Admin can login, see all the details of the quote but cannot change it. He can also click on print in admin to get a pdf print out of it.

Please ask questions if need be.

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