Css Redesign Slice Up Example Site Into A Current Site

I have a auction site needs refacing see http://hidden site name what needs to be done here is come css and layout changes needs to look like http://hidden site Ill give you the sitenames in PMB at any rate this project involves

the script is written by phppennyauction.com it is written in cakephp

now second part I want a seated auction format

third part
I want a contest system or better said a bonus point system the script currently has a rewards system so youll be tweaking that to fit my needs please see attached video for explanation of this okay cant attach it ists to big so go here …

now heres my biggest demands

You must be able to complete this in the time frame you bid NO Excuses, NO escrow not going to do it been burned 2 out of 4 times on here 50% loss so dont even ask FUll payment upon project completion and testing.. Yes everything must work. I will test fast upon completion. Payment to be made directly via paypal if i use scriptlance to transfer i can do but its going to cost you 3.9% deposit fee not me… I dont like scriptlances paymetn systems or escrow systems and especially dont like the milestone system people cant stick to them and that angers me.. so

I have my own project collaboration area which you will use during this project.

No crazy bids ill ignore you .
I dont care if you have 0 reviews or 10000 reviews I just need to know you can do it
and do everything you say you can do
andyou can do it in the time you bid

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