Hi I need a professional developer to make some modifications on my clients website. the website is http://www.blitz.net.nz/clan/
they are using Elite Gaming ladder software.
What needs to be done :
1) when you visit the website http://www.blitz.net.nz/clan/ there are banner adverts on the clan pages ( see bottom of homepage for an example ) These banners need to be removed and a upload feature is to be created so the client can upload their own banners to replace the existing ones. this feature needs to accommodate for multiple banners so i suggest a banner rotator may be needed.
2) When a e-mail is sent out to all the members from the Clan section Admin account , it sends the emails as “Unknown Sender” and it arrives in the Spam box of users email accounts. the ‘Unknown Sender’ needs to read ” Newsletter-blitz.net.nz” and should appear in the Inbox not the spam folder.
I need this done ASAP
budget for this project is not too big $25-30 Max.
Only Professionals bid.