Share This Image – jQuery Image Sharing Plugin (JavaScript)

Plugin that makes it easy for your users to share your images across their social networks and increase traffic to your site.

Plugin Features

  • Share to 9 most popular social networks: facebook, twitter, google, linkedin, pinterest, tumblr, reddit, digg, delicious.
  • Specify minimum allowed image size that will be used by plugin. By defaul plugin will pick all images that are greater than 200×200 pixels in size.
  • Customize sharing image, title and description.
  • Auto-scroll your visitors to the exact location of the image they came to see.
  • Fully Customisable – adjust the look and feel of the plugin to suit your site.
  • Simple Installation – just paste the code into your site’s HTML and your users will be able to share across their networks instantly.
  • Supports all major desktop browsers (IE8, IE9, IE10, Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Opera) and mobile browsers.

Download Share This Image – jQuery Image Sharing Plugin (JavaScript)

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