School/Collage Management Software (Project Management Tools)

Responsive web based Education Management system for all types of academic institutions like schools and colleges.

Demo Login: (Email, Password)
Email: [email protected]

Password: *123456#

This script manages following accounts of the institution :

  • Student’s personal information and bio-data
  • Add, edit, delete student information.
  • Student’s academic result.
  • Teacher’s personal information and bio-data
  • Add, edit, delete teacher information.
  • Class list of students.
  • Add, edit, delete class information.
  • Subject list according to each class.
  • Add, edit, delete subject information.
  • Semester or term of a year calendar.
  • Exam marks distribution to students of each class and students.
  • Define exam grades and marks range.
  • Download & Keep backup of student, teacher, subject, class, exam, grade and student marks information individually.
  • Print information of students and teachers personal data and academic marks.

Our management system is fully responsive. So you can browse and manage your institution from any place and many types of device like mobile, tab, desktop.

How to run the system

  • After completing database importion(Find the education_cms.sql file in “DB” folder), login to your system as admin with your submitted credentials.
  • The admin dashboard welcome you and shows the main controls of the system
  • On the left side, you will see the navigation for management of various options.
  • Hovering mouse on each navigation menu will show the description of that menu.
  • At first create some classes for admitting students.
  • You can create students from student menu.
  • Teachers can also be created/edited/deleted from teacher menu.
  • Each class have own subjects, which will be given from subject menu with according to seperate classes.
  • For managing exam marks, at first you need to create a new exam set from exam menu.
  • Exams can be of multiple semesters in one academic year’.
  • Exam marks/attendance can be given/updated from marks menu. class wise and subject wise.
  • For publishing result, the mark of grades and their mark range can be defined from grade menu.
  • Finally the academic result of the students is shown from student menu.


Manage Student

Add Student

Manage Teacher

Add Teacher

Manage Subject

Add subject

Manage Class

In menu section there is a create class menu, you can create class from there.

Manage Exam

In menu section there is a create Exam menu, you can create exam from there.

Manage Grade

Add Grade

Manage Mark

Add Grade


Download School/Collage Management Software (Project Management Tools)

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