Need A Site Fully Developed And Designed

I am looking for someone who can FULLY develop and Design a site for selling Scripts. The site name will be (ScriptsForSale(.)Com) You must be able and willing to Find scripts that can be purchased and resold or Find free scripts that can be listed for sale on the site as well. I am looking for someone that can start the site off with maybe 18 products(scripts) and then go from there. The type of design and layout that Im looking for would be similar to But am looking for a more professional design and Logo and Grahpics. In addition the site will need a nice admin section for adding new pages, products, Etc. The site needs to be fully automated using paypal as the payment processor.

So Inconclusion these are the Highlights of what Must Be Done:

**Fully Developed Script Selling Site
**Fully Designed With Admin Section
**You Must Locate the 18 Scripts that Will be sold on the Site
**You Must Be professional and Give this Site 100% of Your Talents

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