RealtimeChat is a full native iPhone app to create realtime, text based chatrooms with Facebook/Twitter login.
RealtimeChat is using Firebase as backend which is free for side projects or businesses that are just getting started. (Free plan: 5 GB Data Transfer, 50 Max Connections, 100 MB Data Storage).
Really easy to setup, just copy/paste the code and use your own chatrooms.
– Realtime, live chat between multiple devices
– Facebook/Twitter login
– No backend programming needed
– Automatic online/offline detection and handle
– Native and easy to customise user interface
– Xcode 5
– iOS 7
1., Open up your View Controller file where you want to use RealtimeChat and add the following import to the top of the file:
#import "TableChat.h"
2., Then paste the following inside your code:
TableChat *tableChat = [[TableChat alloc] initWith:@"Chatroom1"]; [self.navigationController pushViewController:tableChat animated:YES];
3., Compile and run.
Check screenshots and video for visual details.