Top iOS Development Resources For Two Weeks Ended January 12th, 2014

Welcome back to our feature of the most popular new and updated resources mentioned on the site from the last two weeks.

The top resource from the last two weeks is great for geek-centric apps providing an open source pull-to-refresh  control that plays a game of pong when the user refreshes.

Here are the resources:

1.  BOZPongRefreshControl – A fun pull to refresh control that plays Pong atop the view whenever the user pulls down.  (share on twitter) (featured here)

2. TWRProgressView – A component allowing you to easily create custom progress views based upon your own images.  (share on twitter) (featured here)

3. Doppio  – Example source code for an app providing the user with directions to the nearest Starbucks.  (share on twitter) (featured here)

4. SAMultiSelectorControl – A great looking open source round sliding range selector component. (share on twitter) (featured here)

Thanks for reading!

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Original article: Top iOS Development Resources For Two Weeks Ended January 12th, 2014

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