WP Pro Forum System (Forums)

Add a forum to your website the easy way!

The WP Pro Forum system allows you to add a forum to your website. It has many powerfull features to create a professional looking forum with easy! The forum is created to work on the frontend of your website but admins are able to manage all forums, topics, replies, categories and tags from the admin area aswel.

Translate ready, .mo/.po files included.

Create Topics

All registered users can create topics using the standard WordPress text editor included in the plugin.

Create Replies

All registered users can reply on topics.

Create Comments

All registered users can write extra comments on replies.

Standard Text Editor

Topics & replies can be created using the customized standard WordPress text editor. If enabled users can upload images and code (HTML, CSS, PHP, …) into their topics and replies using the standard WordPress image uploader and the custom shortcodes included.

  • Edit Topics, Replies and Comments: All registered users can update/ remove their own topics, replies or comments from the frontend. Admins are able to edit/ remove all content from the frontend and the admin backend.
  • Close Topics:
  • All registered users can close their own topics. Admins can close all topics.

  • Like Topics & Replies:
  • All registered users can like topics and replies.

  • Share Topics & replies:
  • Everyone visiting the forum can share links to each topic or reply.

  • Customize the style:
  • Make sure the forum fits into your theme. You can change the style and the way the pages look to make sure they look exactly like your website!


    WP PRO FORUM SYSTEM V 1.0.6 January 11 2014 (Awaiting Approval)

    • Some first small improvements.
    • Translate added, .mo/.po files included.

    WP PRO FORUM SYSTEM V 1.0.5 January 10 2014

    • First Release.

Download WP Pro Forum System (Forums)

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