WordPress Sitters Work

My client requires a wordpress-PHP-language based scheduling assistance and data entry application to manage the actions ofscheduling resources (sitters) to that of clients (families), complete with messaging approvals and confirmations to notify
the administrator (primary user).

I’m willing to pay $125-175 for this work it must be done in 21 days or less. I usually pick someone quick to take on the work. So please respond to your pms today.


• Client Registration
• Collect client (family) information via wizard data-entry user interface pattern.
• Prompt user for agreement acceptance, setting pending status to true only when agreement terms have been
• Prompt administrator response to review registration and accept client status change to active.
• Resource (Sitter) Registration
• Collect sitter information via same data-entry interface pattern as specified for client registration.
• Prompt sitter for agreement acceptance, setting pending status to true only when terms have been accepted.
• Sitter is set to active only at administrator review of resource data-entry.
• Sitter resources are permitted to update and edit their scheduled availability on a weekly or monthly basis.
• Request Processing
• Client has ability to file a standard request (a request to be processed within the next 48 hours or greater) to the
application that would initiate a system generated message to the administrator at start of matching process.
• Matching and Scheduling component creates a best-match score comparison based upon: Availability, Allergies/
Special Needs, Consistency of Assignment between Client and Sitter, and Required Certifications. Order and
weight of importance in order as listed.
• Application will automated pick the highest score of the above criteria and send result confirmations to the
• At point of administrative confirmation, email messages are sent to both sitter resources and client families
detailing the engagement.
• Client also has the ability to file a non-standard request (requested appointment in a time period of less than 48
hours), of which the administrator is required to then manually confirm the requests and assign resources from a
pre-selected pool of best matches.
• Confirmed matches are scheduled as private events located in central calendar (i.e Google Calendar API

Suggested Technical Specifications

• Implement and re-use of progressed model and controller prototype code using PHP-Based CodeIgniter ( http://
codeigniter.com/ ) or Kohana ( http://kohanaframework.org/ )Frameworks
• Utilize XML-based form library (i.e. http://codeigniter.com/wiki/Form_Library/ ) to map data-entry and
administrative views to ActiveRecord class-based model ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Active_record_pattern )
• Implement core-functional classes derived from phpScheduleIt ( http://www.php.brickhost.com/ ) and re-factor for the
following changes:
• The “sitter” conceptual model is akin to “resources” to be scheduled.
• “Reservations” are comparative to sitter/client assignment requests.
• Include scoring algorithm based upon above-mentioned weighted criteria.
• Include administrative override functionality and custom messaging requirements as stated above.
• Leverage resources of current hosting environment ( Dreamhost http://www.dreamhost.com/ )
• Utilize subversion repository for change and deployment control management also located on Dreamhost account.
• URL/URI construction should adhere to REST principals ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/
Representational_State_Transfer ).
• Look and feel should be in-line with current ASAP sitters view and branding standards.
• Recommend use of lean css/html presentation frameworks such as Baseline CSS ( http://baselinecss.com/ ) or
Uni-Form CSS ( http://sprawsm.com/uni-form/ )
• Markup should adhere to XHTML strict or transitional doctype standards.
• Leverage industry-standard Javascript libraries such as JQuery ( http://jquery.com/ ) and compatible plugins when
• Email and messaging generation should adhere to SPF conditions ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/
Sender_Policy_Framework ) to best ensure delivery and receipt of communication.
• Restricted administrative access should fall under https protocols of current Dreamhost Account.

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