“In the Sunlight” is a cheerful, bouncy, positive tune built on happy ukulele, acoustic guitar, simple piano, upbeat drums, and fun bells.
This track is a perfect fit for any media meant to be quirky, optimistic, cheery, or lighthearted.
For your convenience I have included in the download two 14 second loops and an ending sequence so you can easily make the song fit your own needs.
Files included:
In the Sunlight: 1:56 main track, as heard above.
In the Sunlight (Loop A): 0:14 loop of main theme without drums and bells, as heard from 0:07-0:21 in the main track.
In the Sunlight (Loop b): 0:14 loop of main theme with drums and bells, as heard from 0:29-0:44 in the main track.
In the Sunlight (Ending Sequence): 0:12 ending sequence of the song, as heard from 1:43-1:56 in the main track.