Apple iPhone 5C SoftimageXSI (Phone)

Apple iPhone 5C 3D model. All colors! Hight quality model, best for close up renderings. Has only TRI and QUAD polygons with correct topology, supports multiple subdivisions.
Shaded with MENTAL RAY and default materials. Shaded in physically correct workflow (linear based workflow), so you need not reshade model, simply drop it into your scene and tune lighting. 2k resolution textures included.
Softimage XSI, FBX, OBJ.


Apple iPhone 5C 3D model.
Native format: Softimage XSI 2013.

This model is nicely organized, has correct names for all objects and has good topology, TRI and QUAD polygons only. Mesh topology supports multiple subdivisions. Model has mixed UVs.

Rendering is setuped in MENTAL RAY.
No 3rd party plugin needed.
Shaded in physically correct workflow (linear based workflow), so you need not reshade model, simply drop it into your scene and tune lighting.

EXCELLENT clear textures! Textures are hand made or made from photos/source images. The textures are applied with UV Unwrap. 2k resolution.

Rigging & Animation:
There is no rig and animation, but geometry can be easely rigged, objects are cleary seperated and nicely named.

Modeled in real world scale.

Ready for usage.

Download Apple iPhone 5C SoftimageXSI (Phone)

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