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Gala Opendeal is an impressive Magento Theme for super market or any online shop with massive products. It has such a clean and neat layout to emphasize product detail without losing characteristic of each product. Block arrangement and color combination ensure aesthetics for the website. If you don’t like the combination of our designers, you can customize it yourself with Variation Settings which allow you to change color in just few minutes.
Improving visual effect with slideshow is everywhere but not with 3D effect like at Gala themes. With it, your website will move to a new level of promotion and suggesting your prominent products. Various product widgets to show your categories better, and help visitor find what they need at the home page. Vertical menu with Mega Menu Builder will enhance your self-customization ability that you can add more columns or levels, links, image and specific product link. It is the best way to capture visitor attention. Integrations within Gala Opendeal will push website performance up and boots sale effects.
Check out more interesting features of it, you will be impressed.
Compatibility with Magento: Community edition 1.7.x (,,
Features List
- Responsive design, adaptive screen solutions: 1280px, 1024px, and lower than 640px.
- Powerful theme settings lets you change unlimited colors, font, typography and other styling flexibility.
- Drag & Drop Mega Menu builder, build your multiple column menu never been easier. Worth $49, included for free
- Included Revolution Slideshow worth $60, included for free.
- Set hover image on mouse over product thumbnail.
- Ajax add to cart feature.
- Custom Product labels.
- Customize your product image sizes freely.
- Customize number of products display per row freely.
- Full width layout, 2 columns left sidebar, 2 columns right sidebar, 3 columns layout supported.
- Typography for general elements, grid, buttons ready.
- Detailed documentation.
- Dedicated support team using Kayako support ticket system at [email protected]
- Installation instruction video coming soon.
Responsive Design
Powerful Settings Panel
- Customizing your own colors, fonts, sizes, border shadow, rounded corner, headline 1,2,3,4,5, buttons and more.
- Customizing image sizes and image background color on product grids, product detail page, related products, upsell, crosssell, shopping cart
- Lets you choose 100+ included background stripes or upload your own background image
- Support all Google fonts
- Styling your own buttons’ styles
- Adding your own custom CSS file and CSS code without modify the original source code. Convenience for your maintenance.
- Support multi-store let you create your own layout, own settings variants applied to each stores.
Some examples of theme settings play-around
Create your custom styles
- Create your own custom.css or input css code directly in the theme configuration
- Adjust theme variation settings as needed
- No core files were modified
- Support multi-stores, allow to set up own custom style per store
Drag & Drop Mega Menu Builder
- Build your multiple columns menu with drag &drop features
- Easily to embed static or dynamic contents on menu columns.
- Support inserting static blocks, dynamic widget instances, dynamic categories listing or featured product details on menu.
- Essentially support viewing Mega Menu on mobile with smart sliding menu allows to view all content in sub menus. Support native browser’s back button.
Revolution Slideshow
- Create image slideshow widget instance and display on any position
- Embed to any pages, static blocks
- Add unlimited slideshow images
- Configure slideshow effect, auto sliding, thumbnail, text, navigation…
Other highlight features
Custom GRID Columns
Typography & Custom CSS Classes
Theme support general typography, support all HTML elements, 24 columns grid system, support adaptive layout. Check out the Typography page for details.
Detailed instruction to help you install the theme on your store or install build a full demo site like our demo store. Detailed instruction for using our extensions, widget, theme settings. For developer, it guides you to develop a custom style extended from the original style without modifying the original source code.
Community Support & Customer Support
Our support team guarantees to respond you within 24 working hours. You can send us email to [email protected], when you receive an auto-response email it means that your question has been delivered to our system ticket system. We will proceed tickets and respond you to in the queue order.
Our working hour is from 8:00AM to 5:00PM GMT+8 Monday to Saturday.
Version 1.0 - 2013-10-2: - Initial release