Keyword/domain Research 2

I would like research done to find 50 exact-match keywords that have good search volume and are available as .org domains. The keywords/domains have to be related to sleep disorders.

You will conduct keyword research to find keywords in sleep-related niches that have exact-match traffic of at least 2,000 searches per month (preferably more), according to Google’s keyword tool. You will then do domain searches to determine which of these keywords are available as .org domains.

The deliverable for this project will be an Excel spreadsheet that contains the following columns:

(1) Keyword/keyphrase (must be related to sleep disorders)
(2) Number of exact-match searches per month
(3) Availability as .org domain (yes or no)

The spreadsheet must include 50 keywords/keyphrases that have monthly exact-match search volume of at least 2,000 searches, and are currently available as .org domains.

I can provide the winning bidder with a small list of seed keywords, so you know what I mean by “sleep disorders”.

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