WooCommerce Volume Discount Coupons (WooCommerce)

WooCommerce Volume Discount Coupons is an extension for WooCommerce, providing automatic discounts and coupons based on the quantities of products in the cart.

Volume discounts are normally of little use unless customers are made aware of them. This extension provides an excellent solution to this need, allowing to display discounts directly on products when they apply.


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  • Automatically apply discounts based on minimum and/or maximum quantity criteria defined in coupons
  • Let customers apply volume discount coupons
  • Volume discounts can be defined for specific products and product categories
  • Directly show discounts when they apply to products
  • New shortcode that renders pretty coupons in various colors.


This extension allows to apply discounts to products in a customer’s cart based on the quantities that are purchased. The discounts can be shown directly on the products when they apply, a free-form description can be used for that purpose as well as an automated note.

The discount information can be rendered automatically for applicable products in the shop, in product category displays, product sets based on tags, product archives and individual product pages. Options allow to choose where the information should be rendered automatically.

Here is an example showing different products in the shop, displaying the free-form description or the automatic discount note:

Volume Discount Coupons Description and Info Examples

This example shows information being displayed automatically on a product page:

Volume Discount Coupon Info Example

This extension adds a new Volume Discount section to coupons.

Volume Discount Coupon Restriction Settings

Display options are provided that allow to show discount information where it is most needed, right where the products are.

Volume Discount Coupon Display Settings

Inline styles allow quick customization for the theme.

Volume Discount Coupons - Inline Styles Settings

Coupons and discount information can also be rendered using a shortcode that provides built-in attractive styles out of the box.


See the documentation pages.


You can see this extension in action on the Demo site – limited shop manager access to the administrative back-end is enabled on the site, log in as user coupons using the password coupons to get access. You will be able to create coupons and see the new options that this extension provides for coupons.

Two related extensions that provide additional options are also enabled on the site: WooCommerce Coupons Countdown and WooCommerce Group Coupons.

Download WooCommerce Volume Discount Coupons (WooCommerce)

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