Subscribe & Download (PHP Scripts)

Subscribe & Download is a powerful widget, which allows to distribute files through subscriptions. If people want to download something from your website or from third party websites they must submit their contact details. After submission they receive encrypted temporary download link by email. Very simple workflow. All submitted data is saved in database and can be sent to MailChimp, iContact, GetResponse, Campaign Monitor newsletter systems. All saved data can be exported as CSV-file to be used with any other newsletter systems. Subscribe & Download can be easily integrated into any webpage, even if it is plain HTML-webpage (no more difficult than insert Facebook Like button, check out steps 4-6 in “Installation” paragraph). This is a perfect way to extend functionality of your website.


  • Distribute files through subscriptions: ask users for contact details and allow them to download files.
  • Unlimited number of files: distribute unlimited number of digital products.
  • Temporary download links: script generates encrypted link that is valid for limited time.
  • Download link is sent to e-mail: users can’t cheat by entering fake e-mails.
  • MailChimp, iContact, GetResponse, Campaign Monitor supported: contact details can be submitted to autoresponders through their API.
  • Modern subscription form: HTML5 + CSS3, AJAX-ed payment form.
  • Secure Admin Panel: configure script and manage data through nice admin panel.
  • X-Sendfile supported: download huge files through X-Sendfile mode if mod_xsendfile module installed on your server.
  • Responsive design: opt-in form looks nice on small screens.
  • Terms & Conditions supported: enable or disable terms and conditions for opt-in form.
  • Narrow mode: for sidebars use shortcode like <div class="sad-box" data-id="X" data-mode="narrow"></div>.
  • Enable/disable “Name” field: yes, you can do it :-).
  • Easy to integrate: insert only 3 lines of code into webpage (check out “Installation” paragraph).
  • Cross domain access supported: you can install script on one domain and use it with unlimited number of domains.
  • CSV Export: all subscribers can be exported as CSV-file.
  • PHP mail() function supported: download link can be sent using PHP mail() function.
  • SMTP mail supported: download link can be sent through SMTP server.
  • and more, and more, and more…


Please visit demo website to see how the script works.

Admin Panel Demo

You can try admin panel:


Login: admin

Password: admin


Let’s imagine that you have website and you want to install script there.

  1. Create folder subscriptions (use any other name) in root of your domain. Once created it can be reached by URL:
  2. Edit inc/config.php and set MySQL database parameters.
  3. Go to admin panel using default login/password (login: admin, password: admin), configure script on Settings page and upload your first file on Files page (you also can place files into folder subscriptions/files/ through FTP).
  4. Make sure that your website loads jQuery. If it doesn’t, just add this line into head section:
    <script src="//"></script>
  5. Add these lines into head section (before </head> tag and below jQuery):

    <link href="//" rel="stylesheet">

    <script src="//"></script>
  6. Add file shortcode (from Files page) in the place where you want to see subscription box. Example:

    <div class="sad-box" data-id="X"></div>

    You can extend shortcode by adding data-mode="narrow" attribute to display narrow subscription box:

    <div class="sad-box" data-id="X" data-mode="narrow"></div>


  • PHP version 5.0 or greater
  • MySQL version 5.0 or greater
  • jQuery version 1.5 or greater


If you have problems regarding using the script, please contact me and I’ll help you.

Download Subscribe & Download (PHP Scripts)

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