The Issue:
1.) Coupon codes with the “Free Shipping” option marked as ‘Yes’ will allow the customer to select any shipping method and add the shipping cost to the discount price.
2.) Usually Free Shipping coupons do not allow for free Priority or Next-Day mail methods.
The Resolution:
1.) Edit the XML file to match the restricted shipping method of your choice, you can be as general (Example: “First-Class” so all First-Class options will apply) or as specific (Example: “First-Class Mail Large Envelope” so that only First-Class Mail Large Envelope will apply but First-Class Mail Parcel or any others will not.
2.) Indicate to your customers that only “X” shipping method (Example: First-Class) is applicable to the Free Shipping Coupon but they have the choice to upgrade if they wish.
This is a VQMod based module and as VQMod is basically an override system that caches the modified files separate from the OpenCart code and tells OpenCart to use the cached files instead, this module will not be modifying your OpenCart code (core code).
VQMod must be installed first!
1.) Simply upload the xml file included, to your /vqmod/xml directory of your website. VQMod files are automatically installed when you visit your website.
2.) Works fine with:
Opencart v1.5.4
Opencart v1.5.5
Opencart v1.5.5.1
Opencart v1.5.6