MooFolio Portfolio Gallery Plugin (Galleries)

MooFolio Gallery Plugin

Hover to Open – Click to load!
<iframe src=”” width=”600” height=”332” frameborder=”0” webkitAllowFullScreen mozallowfullscreen allowFullScreen></iframe>

  • WordPress Dynamic Post Gallery
  • Works With All Post Types
  • Shortcode Enabled – Add shortocde to any page to add a gallery.
  • Query Posts by category or tags
  • InfiniteScroll Loading of Posts – When the bottom of the container is reached more posts will be fetched via Ajax.
  • Endless Parameters – Fully Customizable.
  • 230+ Entypo Icons to use for front panel view icon.
  • Full Post content inside content panel.
  • Video/Audio Embedding – Custom html content and video embedding enabled on content panel above the exceprt text. Embed Vimeo videos and Soundcloud.
  • Lightboxed Slideout Gallery – All images added to the post are show as a slideout lightboxed image gallery on the content panel.
  • Customizable widths – Set gallery item widths.
  • Responsive Masonry Layout – Isotope masonry layout with responsive relayouts.
  • Options – Set title lengths, post category name, post order, icon size, posts per page, max number of pages and more.
  • CSS Transitions Effects – Multiple Panel Effects.
  • Browser Compatibility – All major browsers supported(No Video Embed for IE, known stying issue).
  • Videos and shortcode examples and parameter option doc built into the plugin settings file.
  • Same great support

Download MooFolio Portfolio Gallery Plugin (Galleries)

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