FLAT KIT is a comprehensive responsive admin template built for starting your: Custom APPS / Website / CMS / CRM / SAAS / Mobile APPS on the fly with hundreds of components.
*For each Extended Licence we comit to offer you 10h for creating custom elements/page in FLAT KIT
1. Layout options
- Layout mode: Full-width Fluid Layout or Fixed-width Boxed Layout
- Customizable Responsive Layout: custom maximum width of the layout and support for wide screens
- Fluid grid: 12 column fluid grid system – fits in any size
2. Menu options
- Menu positioning: top menu & left or right sidebar in any combination
- Ability to disable sidebars and have only top menu
- Sidebar types: mini and wide sidebars or both with auto-switch on hover
- Ability to turn on/off the auto-switch from mini to wide when hovering the mini sidebar
- Sidebar sub-menus types: drop down or collapsible (accordion)
- Unlimited submenus: use any levels of submenus
- Menu Stickiness: ability to have sticky top and sidebar menus (menus follows on page scroll)
- Menu Style: dark or light menus
- Touch optimized: swipe from left to right to show the menus or from right to left to hide the menus on touch-enabled tablets and phones (eg. iPad, iPhone)
3. Template options
- CSS3 animations: Ability to turn on/off all animations
- AJAX powered: navigation between pages is made through Ajax
- Ability to turn on/off Ajax/classic navigation
4. General info
- Released in two independent versions: HTML and PHP (both included in the download package)
- Writing mode: support for Left-to-Right or Right-to-Left languages
- Internationalization: built-in translate system (php version only)
- Browser support: IE8, IE9, IE10, latest – Chrome, Safari, Mozilla, Opera
5. Special features
- GPU Acceleration: Automatic graphics acceleration on iPad & iPhone when using webkit browsers (Chrome, Safari).
- Retina Ready: pixel-perfect on high-resolution retina screens
- Unlimited colors: Ability to change and preview the primary color to any other color in real time; Ability to create, preview & save skins (LESS/CSS), straight from your browser, via our Visual Themer; Ability to disable the Themer functionality
For Packages & libraries used in the FLAT KIT Template, along with attributions to their authors and licenses, click here.