Ever wished our giveaways let you pick the app you won? Well, this week, we’ve got a giveaway that’ll let you do just that — actually, it’ll let you pick the ten apps you win!
Our friends at Paddle our running their second Pick a Bundle Mac from now until July 14th, and it’s a great way to get a huge discount on a number of great Mac apps. You can pick any 10 apps you want from the included selection of 30 apps for just $49.99. And this Pick a Bundle includes a ton of apps you’ll love, including apps we’ve covered before like ExpanDrive, On the Job, TotalFinder, TotalSpaces, DEVONthink‘s DEVONnote and DEVONsphere, Popchar X, Typinator, and 28 more apps!
But you might just be able to get all of that for free, since we’ve got 3 copies of the bundle to giveaway to our readers this week! This giveaway will take a bit of extra work to enter, but it’s worth it. Here’s what you need to do: sign up for the Pick a Bundle newsletter at http://promo.paddle.com, then comment below with the 10 apps you’d pick if you won the bundle, and finally share this post on Twitter or Facebook and add the link to your post in the comment below. We’ll then pick 3 random winners from the entries!
Hurry and get your entry in: we’re closing the giveaway on July 10th!
Best of all, any competition winners whom have already bought the bundle will be refunded in full for their purchase, so your bundle will be completely free if you win even if you go ahead and buy a copy of the Pick a Bundle before we close the giveaway!
Envato staff or those who have written more than two articles or tutorials for AppStorm are ineligible to enter.