Dasky is a jQuery timeline slider,you can use it to show you products’s chagelog/loadmark, or loadmark of you team/life. And others what you want. It based on the power of css transforms and will fallback in old browsers who do not support it.
- Fluid layout
- Fullscreen or not
- Auto play
- Mousewheel control
- Keybords control
- Major browsers compatible and fallback to old browsers
- Easy to use
- Easy to customize
- Documented
- autoplay : Is Dasky autoplay when init .
- interval : The interval of autoplay.
- nav : Does it have controls(pre/next/play).
- mousewheel : Does mousewheel can control the slider for pre/next.
- keyboard: Does keyboard can control the slider for pre/next.
- fullscreen: Does Dasky is in fullscreen mode.