Weekly Discussion: What Gives Web Apps a Bad Name?

Let’s face it: web apps have a bad name. People are scared of their apps running in a browser, worry when they see the word “cloud” tacked on the front of traditional programs (ala Adobe’s Creative *Cloud*), and cling to legacy apps that are installed on their computers even when there’s better options online.

At the same time, people are using web apps more than ever without realizing it. They’re using native apps for social networks and streaming music services, keeping their files synced with iCloud and Dropbox, keeping in touch with video calls, and more, all over the internet. But making documents in Google Docs? That’s too exotic. The very thought that Photoshop might to the cloud? That’s enough reason to riot!

What is it that has people scared of web apps? In the time you’ve used web apps, what’s made you keep from committing to them and using them full-time?

I’m asking this as a web app fan who uses tons of native apps daily — even though I love web apps, I’ve lost data in them and had them run too slow when my internet connection is flaky to make them worth using. So I’d love to hear what you think keeps people from using web apps. Please share your thoughts in the comments below!

This *would* be our weekly poll, but we’re calling the post a discussion if we don’t have an actual poll and are instead asking for your thoughts, as some of our readers have requested.

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