Vine has over 13 million users now. And with this morning’s launch on Android, chances are that number is climbing rapidly.
But of all the Vines, from all the millions of users, across all of the world, this is the best one. Period. Trust me.
16-year-old Will Smidlein might have used a technique that seems to have been discovered about a month ago, wherein users can upload videos longer than six seconds to Vine as long as they follow a detailed set of steps and use a jailbroken device.
Apparently Twitter’s API doesn’t check for how long the video is while it’s being uploaded on the server side. We originally believed Smidlein used the method above, which requires a jailbroken device. However, he has declined to comment though does specify that his device isn’t jailbroken.
In either case, the API let it live as a looping RickRoll hell.
Update: Obviously, the Vine is down now.
It was fun while it lasted.