Weekly Poll: What’s Your Favorite Tiny Yet Useful Apps?

We’ve run several roundups featuring “Tiny yet Useful” — those little apps that aren’t aren’t going to change your career, but they sure do help you out with some tiny part of your work. They might be tools that help you clean up your code, quickly share images, make invoices or resumes, or anything else.

Those roundups didn’t cover anywhere near all of the tiny apps that could be included. There’s dozens more that we’ve covered in our reviews, and there’s far too many tiny useful web apps out there to cover them all. And, we each have different needs, so some of us will find one tool infinitely useful while it’s not even interesting to another.

That’s why we’d like to hear about your favorite tiny yet useful web apps. These should be apps that you can use in less than a step or two, ideally ones that don’t require you to make an account and have few/no settings to tweak. They’re straightforward tools, like a screwdriver, that do one job well.

Which ones do you rely on?

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