The Mind Reader App is a social game enabling your to guess the words your visitors have in mind. Guess what your visitors are thinking about, and make an impression on them ! The game is fully integrated with Facebook and you can choose to make it accessible to all, or only to the users who have previously connected with their Facebook account.
If a user connects with his Facebook account, his information (including email) gets stored in your database. After the game ends the users can like your page, and send a Twitter status to their followers. Your visitors can also share their impression thanks to the integrated Facebook comments module.
This game is also fully responsive, and use no images. This enables the app to run smoothly on most devices, including mobile phones !
Demo: Try it out here
You can also play this game on as a Facebook app
– A WOW game to impress your visitors
– Integrated with Facebook connect to get your users emails and information (optional)
– Ability to customize the keywords (famous actors keywords provided with the demo)
– No database required, the keywords are stored in a text file !
– Responsive layout
– No images used (to avoid display issues on mobile devices)
– Fully responsive Facebook comments
– Facebook like and Twitter tweet button available at the end of each player game
– Very clean interface
How the game works
You need to choose a number between 10 and 99. Let’s say you’ve chosen the number 35. Then in the next step you are asked to substract the sum of the 2 digits number, from the original number. With the number 35, since the sum of the 2 digits is 8, your new number is 27 (35-8). Very easy isn’t it.
Remember that number, and find the case corresponding to it in the random table presented to you. Remember carefully that keyword. Press the “Read my Mind” button, and let’s see if we guess correctly your answer…
Like any magic game, if you know the secret of this game, please keep it secret ! Share the game with all your friends, and let them have a “WOW” effect !
The list of actors we have used in our app can be found here
28 May 2013
– Added a button on the home page enabling the users to skip the Facebook connect
– Made the game able to run inside an iframe as a Facebook app just like here