New Magento Install Customizat

We have a Magento install that has the following:

– Products with a specific attribute “SalespersonName”
– Custom checkout option that’s included with each order placed.
– Unique IDs that are attached to item PDFs and
A) placed on each PDF
B) stored within the admin

We need the following:

1) a custom report built that can show us the following:

– Total sales based off the aforementioned custom option, based off a drop down list.
– Total sales and list of products sold based on the “SalespersonName” field, also based off a drop down list.

* We occasionally give out free product to our employees using a 100% off coupon code. We’d like for these orders & products to be excluded from the reports above.

2) Our unique ID scheme currently uses the product name and an incremental 3-digit number. We’d like to change that to a 4-character combination of letters and numbers. Those unique IDs should still work as before, where they’re placed on the item PDFs, stored in the admin and auto-generated when a product is added.

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