Weekly Poll: Should Facebook Have a Dislike Button?

Facebook stole the English language. Instead of inventing its own words for actions — ala email, google (yup, an official word now), Tweet (ok, so that was a word already), and others — it just took over existing words. Now, like, friend, fan, poke, and more are part of the Facebook vernacular, and there’s not much we can do about it.

We might resent them for co-opting friend and like, but some actually want Facebook to take over one other word: dislike. See, there’s a lot of stuff that most of us don’t like. You know, ugly ducklings. And sad stories. And, I don’t know, skunks.

You don’t passively just want to ignore it. Nope. You want to tell the world how much you dislike it. But in Facebook’s world, there’s the like button, and nothing else.

So you tell us: should Facebook add a Dislike button, or have they already taken over one word too many? Feel free to tell us how much you dislike this poll — or Facebook’s policy and button/word choice — in the comments below.

This week’s poll was inspired by my wife, Raht. Thanks, sweetie!

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