WordPress Ajaxify – HTML5 History API (Miscellaneous)

WordPress Ajaxify – HTML5 History API

WordPress Ajaxify uses HTML5 History API to load pages without reloading the entire page.
When you click a link to a page from your website, that page will be loaded with jQuery Ajax and the url from browser will be changed but the page won’t reload.

If you don’t want that some links to be loaded Ajaxify, simply add the .no-ajaxy class, or you can specify some selectors in the plugin settings page in the WordPress Admin.
For example if you have a link to an image or another file that is on your website, you need to load that link without Ajaxify otherwise will not work.

You can see WordPress Ajaxify in action right on our website http://hazzardweb.net/ (it’s in romanian, but you can see how works).
More demos:

I’ve also included mini website that uses HTML5 History API to load it’s pages. You can see how it’s working, test it and maybe you’ll make something that fits for a non-wordpress website. Demo here: http://bit.ly/10gfSPA

Download WordPress Ajaxify – HTML5 History API (Miscellaneous)

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