Full Width Background Gallery with youtube Video (Interface Elements)

This full width background gallery plugin is a extended version of full width background slider with an option to add unlimited slides and a revolutionary feature of adding youtube video to the background. You can add a different video to each page or slider to one page and video to other page and background color to another page.

This plugin allows you full flexibility of whether you want to use it on pages or posts or not or in what way you want to use it.

  • Adds full page background slider to use to your website.
  • You can add any number of images to the slider.
  • You can add a youtube video or upload your own video to the background.
  • Features sortable slides so that you can arrange them in any way you want to.
  • You can add single full page background image to your site.
  • You can create any number of background galleries and assign them to the posts or pages.
  • Easily manageable back-end.
  • Comes with 6 Great Backgrounds ready to use
  • You can choose from 14 different overlay effects available.

Read more instructions about how to use here http://www.wpfruits.com/full-width-background-gallery-wordpress-plugin/

Here are the snaps of backend.

Full width background gallery wordpress Plugin settings

Full width background gallery wordpress Plugin settings

Download Full Width Background Gallery with youtube Video (Interface Elements)

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