SlideShow Responsive (Sliders)

SlideShow Responsive easy to use slider with awesome 3D and 2D transition effects.

To include a video into your slideshow you must put an iframe into one of your slides.

-4 type slideshow and one advertise responsive.

-Responsive design.

-Adjustable transition speed.

-Auto slideshow with pause on hover.

-Compatible with all major browsers (IE7-IE8 and above , Chrome, Firefox, Safari and Opera)

Available Parameters –

The iView Slider has plenty of options to fiddle with. Below is an example of the code with all available options and their defaults:

  • strips: 20, // Number of strips for strip animations
  • blockCols: 10, // Number of block columns for block animations
  • blockRows: 5, // Number of block rows for block animations
  • captionSpeed: 500, // Caption transition speed
  • captionEasing: ‘easeInOutSine’, // Caption transition easing effect
  • captionOpacity: 1, // Caption opacity
  • animationSpeed: 500, // Slide transition speed
  • pauseTime: 5000, // How long each slide will show
  • startSlide: 0, // Set starting Slide (0 index)
  • directionNav: true, // Next & Previous navigation
  • directionNavHoverOpacity: 0.6, // Fade on hover
  • controlNav: true, // 1,2,3,4… navigation
  • controlNavNextPrev: true, // previous,next navigation
  • controlNavHoverOpacity: 0.6, // Navigation fade on hover
  • controlNavThumbs: false, // Show thumbs navigation
  • controlNavTooltip: true, // Show tooltip image previewer
  • autoAdvance: true, // Force auto transitions
  • keyboardNav: true, // Use left & right arrows
  • touchNav: true, // Use Touch swipe to change slides
  • pauseOnHover: false, // Stop slider while hovering
  • nextLabel: “Next”, // To set the string of the next button (Multilanguage use)
  • previousLabel: “Previous”, // To set the string of the previous button (Multilanguage use)
  • playLabel: “Play”, // To set the string of the play button (Multilanguage use)
  • pauseLabel: “Pause”, // To set the string of the pause button (Multilanguage use)
  • closeLabel: “Close”, // To set the string of the close button (Multilanguage use)
  • randomStart: false, // Start on a random slide
  • timer: ‘Pie’, // Timer style: “Pie”, “360Bar” or “Bar”
  • timerBg: ’#000’, // Timer background
  • timerColor: ’#EEE’, // Timer color
  • timerOpacity: 0.5, // Timer opacity
  • timerDiameter: 30, // Timer diameter
  • timerPadding: 4, // Timer padding
  • timerStroke: 3, // Timer stroke width
  • timerBarStroke: 1, // Timer Bar stroke width
  • timerBarStrokeColor: ’#EEE’, // Timer Bar stroke color
  • timerBarStrokeStyle: ‘solid’, // Timer Bar stroke style
  • timerX: 10, // Timer X position threshold
  • timerY: 10, // Timer Y position threshold
  • tooltipX: 5, // Tooltip X position threshold
  • tooltipY: -5, // Tooltip Y position threshold
  • onBeforeChange: function(){}, // Triggers before a slide transition
  • onAfterChange: function(){}, // Triggers after a slide transition
  • onSlideshowEnd: function(){}, // Triggers after all slides have been shown
  • onLastSlide: function(){}, // Triggers when last slide is shown
  • onAfterLoad: function(){}, // Triggers when slider has loaded
  • onPause: function(){}, // Triggers when slider has paused
  • onPlay: function(){} // Triggers when slider has played

The effect parameter can be any of the following:

  • random
  • strip-down-right
  • strip-down-left
  • strip-up-right
  • strip-up-left
  • strip-up-down
  • strip-up-down-left
  • strip-left-right
  • strip-left-right-down
  • slide-in-right
  • slide-in-left
  • slide-in-up
  • slide-in-down
  • left-curtain
  • right-curtain
  • top-curtain
  • bottom-curtain
  • fade
  • block-random
  • block-fade
  • block-fade-reverse
  • block-expand
  • block-expand-reverse
  • block-expand-random
  • block-drop-random
  • zigzag-top
  • zigzag-bottom
  • zigzag-grow-top
  • zigzag-grow-bottom
  • zigzag-drop-top
  • zigzag-drop-bottom
  • strip-left-fade
  • strip-right-fade
  • strip-top-fade
  • strip-bottom-fade

Download SlideShow Responsive (Sliders)

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