I’ve mentioned a number of libraries for working with Core Data, and web services, and here’s an interesting library that helps to put everything together.
The library is MMRecord by Conrad Stoll from Mutual Mobile and provides an efficient block based methods for working with JSON data, providing helper methods for gathering the data from web services, putting it all into convenient native objects all with a core data back end.
The library integrates with current libraries, and specifically mentions networking libraries such as AFNetworking, and the Core Data helper library Magical Record.
The readme states:
MMRecord is a block-based seamless web service integration library for iOS and Mac OS X. It leverages the Core Data model configuration to automatically create and populate a complete object graph from an API response. It works with any networking library, is simple to setup, and includes many popular features that make working with web services even easier.
You can find MMRecord on Github here.
You can also read more about MMRecord on the Mutual Mobile Engineering blog.
You’ll find full documentation examples over at the Github page.
- Open Source JSON Based Data Model Framework
- Using Objective-C JSON To Do Translations In An iOS App
- Automatically Generate A RESTful Web Service Based On A Core Data Model (Ruby Gem)
- App Scaffolding Kit That Automatically Allows You To Sync Your Core Data Apps Online
- Open Source Core Data And Network Debugging Tool For iOS Apps
Original article: Library For Integrating Web Services Turning JSON Data Into Core Data Backed Native Objects
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