WordPress Pricing Tables plugin (Miscellaneous)

WP Pricing Tables is a set of pricing table designs created to fit every WordPress based website. The package
contains a number of differently styled pricing tables. Each of them comes in a set of predefined
color schemes, but as it is created with Pure CSS you can easily customize it to fit your website color
WP Pricing Tables comes with a user friendly configuration, so you can easily set up your pricing table in no time.

Main Features

  • 6 different designs
  • 16 predefined color schemes
  • Pure CSS+HTML
  • Create unlimited number of pricing tables
  • Can be easly styled to any color you need
  • Unlimited number of columns
  • Degrades Gracefully
  • Easily make column featured
  • Easily add tick or cross icon
  • Hover effect over button
  • Hover effect over column
  • CSS Ribbons with your custom text in 16 colors
  • CSS Tooltips with heading and custom text in 16 colors.

Browser support

  • Chrome 8+
  • Firefox 4+
  • Opera 11.64+
  • IE 8+ :: Pricing Tables & Tooltips, IE9+ :: Ribbons, IE10+::Featured and Hovered columns


Any request for support please submit using our support ticket system on this page. Please keep in mind I live in GMT+1 time zone. I will do my best to answer every request for suport in 24 hours (exluding weekends).
If you will notice anything working not correctly, please let me know, so I can fix it.


Verison: 1.0 (19.03.2013)

  • Initial release

Download WordPress Pricing Tables plugin (Miscellaneous)

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