iQuad – Complete iPad Project (Full Applications)


You can open iQuad project by clicking on iQuad.xcodeproj file in the folder iQuad.

This project is released with the intention of allowing those who need to understand and apply the techniques with in order to make an application to write, draw, to manage PDF, email, CoverFlow and much more.

iQuad is in the AppStore, and this is its description:

Proud to present iQuad!
How many times have you thought it would be useful to find ways to stop buying notebooks for taking notes, colored pens, highlighters and whitebait?!
Now you have the opportunity to do so!

iQuad lets you organize your notebooks quickly and easily:

  • Add a new book;
  • Choose a cover peculiarities, the texture of the paper and the title of the book;
  • Open it and add all the pages you want.

iQuad will give you the opportunity to order your books to:

  • Title
  • Date
  • Plot Sheet
  • Cover
  • How many pages

it will show all information relating to the creation date, last date of opening, number pages, etc..
For every book you can organize your pages by moving between them, changing the title or adding new ones.

You can use the colors and width of the default point, or you can customize your pen with color and tips to your liking!

You will also make available, whitebait and customizable highlighters!
Not only that, you can store up to 20 bits and colors, so select them quickly at any time!

You can send email any page as an image, or display or send the full PDF of the book, so you can print in paper!

But the features do not end there:

In the next version, in addition to the normal view, iQuad lets you choose how “Cover View ”, through which you can scroll through the covers of books with your finger, or scroll through the pages instantly seeing the preview!

Good use of iQuad,
any advice is welcome!

Thank you.

Download iQuad – Complete iPad Project (Full Applications)

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