Live Support Chat (Help and Support Tools)

Live Support Chat V2

The new and improved version of the Live Support Chat application has been re built from the ground up. And comes packed with features which you will find valuable when providing a support service to your customers online.

Features at a glance:

  • Easy Interface – The interface is clean and easy to navigate. All actions are conducted via ajax.
  • Proactive chats – Why wait for a user to start the chat? you can now approach them directly
  • Departments – Create as many departments as you need, and assign users to them
  • Transfers – You can transfer chats between operators
  • Operator Chat – Internal shout box style chat allows operators to keep abreast of whats happening
  • Localization – All of the text in the application is modifiable directly from the admin panel, you can also create different variations / languages
  • FeedBack – Create questions to gauge how happy your customers are with your service

I have further plans for this application and will be releasing further updates over the coming weeks / months.

Download Live Support Chat (Help and Support Tools)

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